
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Low Key Lyesmith

I recently got two new (to me) Decemberists albums: Her Majesty and The Hazards of Love.  I've been listening to the latter quite a bit the past few days, and it's quite lovely.  They have such a wonderful, beautiful sound.  Shara Worden, who makes an appearance on some of the songs, has this beautiful, rich, luxurious voice.  At first I thought, somehow, that Fiona Apple was singing on some of the tracks, as she has sort of a similar, smoky sound.  Gorgeous.  I'm currently getting into Her Majesty at the moment - I've only heard a few tracks.  It's clearly an album by a less experienced band; simpler and lighter.  So far so good, though.

Today Jason and I went to a Magic prerelease out at the Knights of Columbus hall in Charlestown.  We didn't actually register for any flights - we just got there wicked early and perused the cheap rares that one of the vendors was hocking.  That's all we really go to these things for, it seems: cards for casual.  Neither of us are tournament players - we just don't care.  I ended up picking up approximately 100 cards on the cheap.  Rockin'.

After that, we went back to his place, bummed around, watched a few movies, played cards, and had calzones delivered from Thyago's pizza in Belmont.  This, I think, is a suitably relaxing Saturday.  Now I just need to plan something for us to do at our Ars game tomorrow.  I seem to be in charge of providing something for that the next few weeks.  I think Loki will make an appearance.

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