
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Vegetable stock photos were not used in the making of this ph(o|ilm)

So I went with Misters Daniel, Erik, Jason Mc and Jason K to "Living in a CG World" today at the Museum of Science.  We saw a presentation by Mr. Terrence Masson, a gentleman with an impressive resume in the world of computer graphics for film and games.  It was a good talk!  Lots of interesting tidbits.  Unfortunately, I think he had too many good things to say, and had to leave out a lot in order to stay within the time he had available.

Following the talk, we all walked to Charles MGH (except for Daniel, who biked) and took the T up to Harvard, where we had a lovely dinner at Le's.  Everyone attempted to get some variation on a theme of pho (noodle soup, for the uninitiated).  Unfortunately for me, they were out of vegetable stock.

I ended up with curry tofu.  Booyah!  Now I can use that label again.  It was, as always, delicious.

On the way over, Jason K and I were talking about storytelling as it relates to technology.

That, I think, will need to be in its own post.

Oh, yeah, and work was fine today.

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