
Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday the way Friday was meant to be

Today was an excellent example of what a Friday should be.

I spent a good part of the morning quizzing people in the office about what widgets we have deployed and where so I could compile a list, which is, all told, fun work. Around noon, we had a lovely (if sad) goodbye lunch at PF Chang's for Vinod, who's leaving the company. I had some tasty, crispy, silken tofu dish with broccoli. I didn't know it could be both crispy and silken. Awesome.

Following lunch, I spent a bit more time with my lists, and some talking to Mr. Daniel about some interesting widget performance stuff. Upon getting home around 7-something, I had a lovely little dinner of cheese, crackers, hummus, and a Red Stripe. I happened upon a link to a TED talk on, and proceeded to spend a few hours learning about how mythological differences between Western and Indian cultures often make it difficult for the two groups to work together, how Herbie Hancock is a complete musical badass, how China and India are projected to surpass the United States and the United Kingdom in standard of living by the year 2048, and a number of other interesting topics. TED. What a great idea for an organization.

Good stuff.

After I forced myself to close the browser and stop learning interesting things from smart people, I spent the rest of the night editing and expanding upon the story I mentioned finding the other day. I can't say with any certainty that it's really, particularly good or anything, but it's a pleasure to try shaping it.

I generally like to write fiction for one of two reasons, which don't necessarily overlap at times:

1. Spontaneously arriving at wondrous little turns of phrase without realizing it.
2. The opportunity to think about all the backstory surrounding the stuff that actually gets written down. World building is, in a way, more interesting than the stories that may fall out of it.

At the moment, I'm more concerned with the latter.

Oops. Just spent 45 minutes forgetting to post this. Uhh! Onward!

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