
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Apple Pie and Cashew Butter

I don't know if this particular combination has been tried before, but it was delicious.  Apples and peanut butter are awesome - why not pie and buttered cashews?

I got up at a reasonable time today, was chugging along, feeling good, left the apartment... and somehow it was frickin' 9:00 AM already!

Grumble.  I still had time in the morning once I made it to work, at least.

In general, the day progressed well.  Good days on a Services project tend to be those in which customers have ended up agreeing more than they disagree.  Thus, today was a pretty good day.

After work I headed over to the ol' BSC, which I'm learning to hate.  The place is so busy after work, it's almost not worth going.  All the mats are always full, all the machines are in use.  As soon as the weather generally climbs above freezing, I'm am so gone.  I'll take a several mile run over that any day of the year that isn't effing freezing.

Speaking of which, tomorrow morning might be such a day, if I'm lucky.  That'd be really nice.

I'm not bumming around, sorta brain tired.  I saw a convincing (for the first viewing) "leaked" 30 second commercial for the as-of-yet-unannounced Apple tablet.  It was convincing until you realized a few things:

1.) Apple would never use such a crappy font.
2.) Apple would never release a device in which the screen appears to be off-center by half an inch.  This stands in stark contrast to Lenovo's ThinkPad T61p.
3.) All of the ports on the back of the tablet are perpendicular to the plane of the device.  i.e., if you placed it flat on a table, they'd all be pointing at the table top.  Uhh... miserable design, anyone?
4.) One of the aforementioned ports is an ethernet port.  Apple doesn't even put DVD drives in their smaller computers, to say nothing of ethernet.

Strikes me as a fake.  Is it tomorrow that we'll all find out?  Should be fun, whatever it is that they're announcing.

I think, now, I'm going to try to write a bit.  Either that or read.

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