
Thursday, January 21, 2010

A7 Altered

Today I learned how to play the melody from Tune Up, by Miles Davis.  This doesn't sound like much, but sadly it took me forever to sit down and actually get around to doing it.

Once I did, it took all of half an hour.

That's the stupid part about music.  I can work on a song for months - some aspects of it anyway - and not get around to the melody until... now?  Are you kidding?  And it only took a little bit of time!  Why hadn't I figured this out sooner?  Gah, how frustrating.

But, well, it is what it is.  I've resigned myself to the fact that, at this point, my progress will just be slow.  Take right now for instance; there are any number of things I could be doing with my time this instant.  Instead, I'm... recuperating.  I don't feel like I have the mental energy at the moment to accomplish anything beyond listening to some music, reading an article or two, and posting here.

Maybe a video game, but I don't have any of those.  At least, none that I'm willing to pick up right now.

So... whew, here I am.

Tomorrow I'm not going into the office until the afternoon, most likely.  Going to head over to our client's place in the morning instead to meet with the gentleman there who'll be doing the page integration on their side.  Should be a good meeting!

I can't believe tomorrow is already Friday.  It's odd how life just gets increasingly faster paced the older you get.  Every year I feel like time is slipping by faster and faster.  I don't even know where this week went - it's just gone.

Man, I'm sleepy.

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