
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Resolutioners Delight

A more or less effective work day. Finishing the day with a big check-in that you feel good about is a pretty nice way to leave the office.

After work, Julia and I converged on Central Sq. to hit up the BSC there. We hung out, doing our thing, from around 6:30 PM or so until 8:00-ish. The place was pretty packed, though she reminded me about the New Year's Resolutioners who are, undoubtably, crowding the place. Hopefully in the next few months the place will calm down. Or, well, rather, I'll wish that the people crowding it find alternate means of exercise somewhere else. Wishing that they just stop going is, certainly, selfish.

After the gym, we took the T to Harvard and wandered over to her place, where we had a lovely greens, spinach, peanut, tomato, goat cheese, balsamic vinegar salad with some stone ground crackers. And a Red Stripe, cause she and Paul still seem to have oodles of it from New Year's. We half-paid-attention to some show called... Better Off Ted, was it? I don't remember. Then a bit of Scrubs. After that, we had a lovely time analyzing and making fun of the poor guy on Deal Or No Deal, which I don't think I've ever watched an entire episode of before. By the time I looked at the hour, it was 10:00 PM, I went "ack!" and decided I should probably get home.

Now, I think I'm going to sit in bed and read. A simple, good day.

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