
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Read a bit, clean a bit, watch a bit.

I magically woke up this morning at 10:00 AM.  I took this opportunity to... sit and read Knife of Dreams until 2:00 PM.

I have officially had a mostly-lazy weekend.

After a call to say hello to my parents somewhere between 2:00 to 3:00 PM, I decided to clean up.  Picked things up, put them where they go, hung a photo of my brother, Dave, and myself on his wedding day, shifted some drawers around so I had a place for my winter accouterments (scarves, gloves, hats, etc.), and... was then fairly organized.

Yay me.

Around 5:00 PM I went over to Jason and Kat's for dinner and some movies.  We watched The Princess Bride to start - excellent as always.  We followed it up with some pasta and Jumper - which isn't nearly as good, but was at least entertaining.

And here I am.  I seem to be having a lot of days in which I do a few things for a very long time.

That is that.

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