
Monday, January 4, 2010

What a jazzy outfit!

I did a total of three useful things today.

Number one!

I mostly-sorted out the project I've been working on at the office. There's a few bugs, but things seem mostly good. With any luck, it can be wrapped up and I can move onto other things very soon. If anything, I think I'm going to need to take some time to do a few other high(er) priority things. (There is always, apparently, something.)

Number two!

I went to Jazz Theory, chilled, learned a bit about the blues, and went home. After two weeks (or so) away from class, it was sorta difficult to get myself back into the correct headspace. There are two classes left, to my understanding: next week's will be a review, and the week following that will be the dreaded quiz (Dun, dun, DUHH!). Not terribly worried or anything; everything makes sense.

Music is a strange thing. I often think that there must be a better way to represent a lot of this stuff. Half steps, whole steps, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, sharps and flats, the circle of fifths/fourths, the staff... it's all very organically grown over the past millennium or so, dreamed up by a bunch of people that occasionally appreciated math when they were feeling geeky, but were otherwise, by no means, logical or methodical about creating a consistent, easily understood system of notation and representation. I can't say that I know what would be better, but geeze, it shouldn't be a matter of rote memorization to remember sharps and flats in a key signature. You can walk the circle and sorta see how it all comes about, but notation is such an archaic system. It relies very heavily on being able to instantly identify a bunch of arbitrary relationships and symbols. Can't we get some physicists or software developers in here to refactor this whole thing into something legible? Crazy.

And number three!

I picked up The Scheduler again and realized it's better off than I realized. The app has a few large functional areas that haven't quite been fleshed out yet, namely saving/loading data and a complete satisfaction system (I love having a class called ""). Otherwise, the technical hurdles in the UI have mostly all been overcome. It's getting close to being a matter of just banging it out. I can't tell f I'm going to be able to finish before Dave needs it this semester, but it's getting cooler all the time. It is, all told, a fairly large hunk of code.

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