
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cards and coffee

I spent a good portion of today dealing with white board magnets and sticky, transparent labels.

I was printing out tasks for the project I'm working on so that we can keep track of our progress. I printed a total of 60 transparent labels for a bunch of different tasks and affixed them to magnets so we could shuffle them around a whiteboard. Woohah. Sadly, I do love this sort of work. Organization is fun!

Prior to work, I wandered over to the Russell Apartment building up on Mass Ave. to vote. Unfortunately, my voting didn't seem to help. (And yes, you probably know how I voted now. That's okay.) I guess my parents will continue to spend thousands a month for health insurance because of "pre existing conditions" that have no bearing on their actual health. They're both perfectly healthy, but they can barely get insurance because of bullshit. Just wonderful.

Following work, I spent a little time at the gym and then went over to the Clear Conscience Cafe to meet Julia for coffee. And a bite of her peach coffee cake. Rockin'. We talked about the weekend and current life events. A pleasure m'dear, as always!

Upon arriving home, I bummed around for a bit. Eric and I spent some time chatting about The Road (which I haven't seen), post-apocalyptic futures, and how they scare the hell out of me. Sounds like a good movie. Oh, and our new Senator's modeling exploits came up as well.

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