
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Steadily downhill, like skiing, but not at all fun.

Today I woke up to a call from the landlord, asking me what belonged to our apartment in the basement.

I ended up spending my first hour or so talking to him, Joe, down in the basement.

Then I went to Dado.

I proceeded to spend some time there, writing about Teriam.  Around 4:00 PM-ish, Daniel happened to show up, and we had a lovely conversation about games and things.  Then I spent another few hours hanging out, writing.  Good times.

At some point Julia gave me a call, and invited me to go out for drinks for her friend Liz's birthday.  Seemed like a good idea, so I wandered over to Julia's place, and then we both walked over to Cambridge Common to meet up with the group.  On the way we stopped at Eric's apartment to fetch him.  Very cool guy.

The evening proceeded, and there was beer.

I'm left, at the end of the night, considering those glorious Bright Eyes lyrics, "And in the middle of drinks, maybe the fifth or the sixth, I'm completely alone at a table of friends.  I feel nothing for them.  I feel nothing.  Nothing."

That would be appropriate, if I could actually be so emotionless.  Unfortunately, I'm a much more emotional person.  Sometimes that just happens.  It was a good night anyway, though, thinking back.

So, well, I made a friend tonight.  That's about all I can say for the evening.  Sometimes life is just depressing, and it seems there's nothing I can do about it.

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