
Friday, January 15, 2010

Logistical Error: Abort, Retry, Fail?

I'm currently writing from my old MacBook Pro, which I gave to my brother last year. My computer is sitting at the office.

This, unfortunately, makes me a dumbass.

See, this morning I left home with a guitar and my bag, laptop in the latter, went to work, and then went to a guitar lesson afterwards. Because, post lesson, I imagined I'd get home pretty late (like, oh, midnight... which is what happened), I decided to just leave my computer at work. I knew this computer was at home, so I knew I'd be able to write this post, but I completely forgot that I was planning on working from home tomorrow morning. Yeah, like, from the home office. With my work machine. Which I left at, well, work.


So I'm going to see what I can do without it, which strikes me as more of a thought experiment/planning session than work.

The reason for all this is that I have a dentist appointment at 10:30 tomorrow, and it's much closer to home than it is to work. Ah, well, I'll figure something out.

After the guitar lesson, I wandered back to Kendall (still not putting two and two together about the laptop) and went to The Friendly Toast with Julia, Paul, and an entire host of their excellent friends. I had blueberry pancakes, which I only finished about 2/3 of. I now feel stuffed. We also got an order of the Orleans fries, because they're incredible.

All of this pretty much brings me up to where I am now, sitting here at 12:50, on the verge of going to sleep. And indeed, I think it's time.


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