
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hello Worf, eat any good books lately? Delicious.


Today was mostly full of semi-expected things jumping out at me.

First was a trip to one of our new clients' offices, which I didn't really know about until yesterday. The second was a last minute guitar lesson which I didn't know about until about 5:00 PM.

Together, they make me want to just... sit now.

Dinner today involved an apple, some cheese, crackers and hummus, and...

Get ready for it.

No, really, get ready.

Here we go!

... A cashew butter and Reese's Pieces sandwich on lovely, soft sourdough bread.


I've never had something so tasty in sandwich form.

Turns out, Gourmet Market down in Porter is currently selling big containers of Reese's Pieces for $2.99. It's awesome. It's like... tons of them. It made me want to cry for joy. (Well, kinda.)

Not so bad.

In my guitar lesson tonight, I learned how to do a lovely 2-5-1 progression on the top strings, with all sorts of tasty chord extensions thrown in. Thrilling! This is one of those nights I imagine, someday, I might actually be decent at this stuff if I get enough of these little gestures under my belt.

I can't believe it's already Thursday. I have no idea where this week went. I'm not entirely sure what I need to get done tomorrow at work, though I imagine one of my readers out there can help me figure that out. ;)

For now, I think I might try to edit yonder story that I mentioned last night. It could use some work...

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