
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Simple Exercises

Today I woke up at 7:00 AM.


Take that, life.

This is notable, if only for the reason that lately I've been unable to reliably make myself wake up prior to 7:30 to 8:00 AM. This is, most definitely, annoying as hell, as it has a tendency to throw my whole day off. There's something about my bed, I think. It's just too wonderfully comfortable. Flannel sheets, lots of blankets, a nearby heater and an otherwise cold room in the winter make it a very attractive place to stay in the morning. This is in contrast to the summer, when the room is hot and uncomfortable and I can't wait to get up and get moving.

The plan is, hopefully, to do the same exact thing in approximately 7 hours and 25 minutes.

The key, I found, is to set my alarm to 6:55 and then snooze for 5 minutes. Then, it's like waking up an hour later, because the first number is different, you see. It's all very scientific.

And that, as they say, is how I manage to wake up.

Work sped by, and I was able to create a backwards dependency checker (What projects use this piece of code?) by adding a new feature to ItDepends. It now allows you to import an entire directory of link reports and then see on a new fourth tab which link reports contain dependencies on the selected package or class. Lately at work there's been a question of what projects are using what code, and we don't have a very good way of determining that short of an Eclipse search or a grep. Seems like it'll be moderately useful.

My new project should be starting up in force tomorrow. I went so far as to create a branch for it today (woohoo!). I think it'll be fun! Nothing crazy, but a lot to get done. Hopefully we can learn some stuff along the way.

After work, Jules and I hit up the ol' BSC for an hour or so, then took a joint trip to the grocery store. I got pineapple. And cottage cheese. And the greatest cereal of all time, Cracklin' Oat Bran. I know someone else who has an insatiable appetite for COB, if I get around to creating a "fiction" blog at some point in the near future, I'll introduce you to her.


After getting home, I mostly sat around and played iPhone Scrabble all night. Sometimes I make poor life decisions. Other times, I play Scrabble.

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