
Saturday, January 2, 2010

She's got a chicken to ride

Today was particularly social.

After last night's lovely evening over at the Wagner residence, I woke up at around 8:30 AM so that I could get out to Sudbury for brunch with the subset of the usual crew that was able to drag themselves to Stephen Anthony's by 10:30 AM or so. This included Jason, Daved, Dave FR, his sister, and Jamie, Graham, and Tracy and Joe. Not a bad crew.

I feasted on blueberry pancakes, an egg (over easy), coffee, and orange juice. The usual. Post-brunch, we descended on Dave FR's house for an afternoon of board gaming. We played Ticket To Ride and some detective game (I won the first - woohoo!), and then I proceeded to sit around and play Dave's sister's guitar for a while during what appeared to be a rousing game of Manhattan.

We all left Dave's around 5:30 or so, and I went back to Cambridge to pick up Eric at Mike and Ria's. Eric and I drove back to my place, I parked the car, and we took the T from Porter to Harvard and had dinner at Le's. Curry tofu and fresh summer rolls. Stuffed with veggies. I had a "33", which is apparently a Vietnamese beer. Delicious. We decided, prior to leaving my place, that we wanted to go watch Avatar at Boston Common. Eric hadn't seen it, and I'd be glad to see it again. There was a showing every hour or so for the remainder of the night, so we just winged it and decided to show up when we showed up.

Bad idea.

Apparently, after all this time, Avatar is still selling out shows. The 8:15 PM show was completely sold out, and we decided that 9:15 PM was going to be a bit too late, given that it's like a three hour movie. Following that, we walked from Loew's Boston Common down to Boylston, checked out the Starbucks near the Arlington T stop, and then got back on the Green/Red line and went home.

A few hours later, after returning Eric into Ria's custody, here I am. I think I need to learn some more songs that we can all sing along to. Currently, my repertoire is just sorta... limited. It would make these sit-around-and-play sessions much more fun.

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