
Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Oops.  There's yesterday, too.  And today.  That, to me, makes Tuenesday.

Yesterday I recall going for a run.  I believe it was four miles.  I believe it started at 6:30 AM or so, and I believe that it was pretty good, all around, except for the part at the beginning where I couldn't remember how to run.

Stretching, right.  Going to go do that after this.

Work yesterday was an exercise in trying to meet deadlines.  It went pretty smoothly, and by the end of the work day, I was feeling like things were in pretty good shape, if somewhat rushed.

I left work around 6:00 PM or so and met Ms. Julia at the Porter Square Bookstore.  Whilst waiting, I started reading a book about the Gardner Museum heist.  Looked like it could be a good read.

From the bookstore - which was merely a meeting place - we walked over to Shaw's and got some groceries, then wandered our way back to my place, where we both proceeded to get things done.  I continued where I left off when I left work earlier in the day.  I did this until... 10:30 or so, at least.

We resolved not to try going for a run this morning, and to take it as a day off this week.  Instead, I got up all early and got to work by around 8:30 or so.  I drove in, such that I could drive up to Demandware's offices in Woburn later in the day.  I parked on a side street.  I used some of my quarters in a meter.

Exciting stuff, let me tell you.

The meeting up at the Dee Dub went pretty well.  I was, ultimately, there in a support capacity.  We saw some of our former coworkers - Debi, Vinod, Larry, and Adam.  It was cool to see them.  Seems like they're enjoying the place.

After leaving their offices, I drove back to Cambridge and decided to just drive myself home, rather than go back to the office and deal with parking meters for the rest of the day.  Worked from here for a while, before... inexplicably getting really sleepy.  I was having Kat, Allie, and Mark over for music tonight, so I took a long nap before they got here at 7:00 PM.

Turns out, maybe I was tired because I was sick?  I don't know.  Shortly after they arrived, my throat started feeling kinda scratchy, and at this point, it's quite clear to me that I'm sick.


After everyone left, I went back to Jazz software land for a bit.  I really, really need this to just be done.


And... yeah, now I guess I'll go to sleep.  We're going to play the morning by ear - not sure how I'm going to feel when I wake up.  Given that this is like stage 1 of this, I may try to work from home tomorrow.

Still looking forward to a summer off from extra things.  Just need to convince the world to let me do it.


110-2011 said...

(I'm pretty sure you also proceeded to make some AmAzIng pizza : )

DAJ said...

Right! That part! I was pretty happy with how that turned out. :) Yes! Pizza. For posterity: Portabella mushrooms, broccoli, red pepper, jalapenos, mozzarella, cheddar, a bit of parmesan, garlic powder, onion powder, hot chili powder, cajun seasoning, italian seasoning, and a line of honey around the crust to liven up the end game.
