
Monday, April 26, 2010

My mind is ablaze with GENIUS!

Today began at 7:00 AM or so.

I shaved; now, suddenly, smooth faced and lookin' youthful.  Or something.  It's weird!

I made it in to work by around 9:30 AM or so, intent on finishing this damn parser today.  For all intents and purposes, I did.  That gives me tomorrow to wrap everything up.

Mr. Daniel, you are a god and/or a saint amongst men.  Thank you.

I was wicked hungry today.  I had a bagel and cream cheese for breakfast, soup and a sandwich for lunch, then some pretzels, then some animal crackers, and a bunch of cheese and crackers around dinner time.  Oof.

Otherwise, work involved my plugging away listening to Aesop Rock the whole time.  Or, well, most of the time.  I originally tried to take the T in to the office this morning, but after getting down to Porter and to the tracks, I discovered that the train was just sitting there, the platform was full of a million people, and no one seemed to be going anywhere.  When the train finally pulled up and they said it was disabled and out of service, I just decided to go home and get my bike.

Which I did.

So I rode to work.

At the end of the day, I left around 5:30 PM to try to beat the rain.  I didn't go to class tonight.  Sigh.  Instead I just came home and kept working on Jazz junk for Dave.

Argh.  I don't think I can keep doing this all summer.

While I was working, at least I got to watch something amazing.  Eric was watching "The Secret of Kells" - an animated film about the Book of Kells.  It was awesome.  Beautiful visuals.  Great music.  Awesome characters.  I highly recommend it if you can find it.  It's, apparently, not even for sale right now.  Like... at all.

After that, I just kept working.  This thing is almost done, I hope.  It needs to be, and now.

Tonight Julia and I talked about a bunch of races.  Is a group of races a herd of races?  A pod?  A pack?  I propose none of these terms.  Rather, I think it should be called a rocket of races, because it's late and I'm tired.

The current tenor of the discussion re: our current rocket of races on the docket, is an excited, "Hmmm!"

And now, sleep.

Oof, once more.

Oh, and I don't really know what that ablaze with genius thing is all about.  I just felt like saying it.

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