
Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Nor'Easter? Except without the snow.

Doh.  12 seconds too late to post on Sunday.

Oh well!

Today was, I think, productive for a Sunday.  I hear I probably wasn't supposed to work today, but I did, a bit.  Pretty good.

I woke up at 9:15 of my own volition, stumbled downstairs to my parents' living room, had a lovely little breakfast of yogurt and granola, and then set about considering what I might do with my morning.

I eventually ended up working a bit on the evaluation PHP page for Dave, as well as pulling together some stuff for yonder Lady Bird solo.  I also played a bit of Starcraft II (Protoss) against some computers.  At least I can win that.

Around 1:00 PM, Mom and I took a short drive down the hill to Starbucks, cause I wanted coffee.  Then we had a nice chat in the car for a few minutes before taking the Overland Route back up to their house.  I almost just said apartment for some reason.  Augh, I've spent too long in the city.

Sometime in the afternoon I helped Dad fold up some big piece of netting he was using to keep birds off his strawberries.

For dinner, we had a stir-fry inspired by the one I made the other day.  It was tasty - good job, Dad!

In the evening I talked to Mr. Zoffer twice to ask him random questions about the PHP page I'm making.  Around 6:40 I talked to Chris and we decided I wouldn't bother to go over to his place - by the time I got there, the boys would have been asleep, and Chris said there was probably no guarantee he wouldn't be as well.

At 7:30 PM or so, I decided it was about time I got on the road back towards home so that I could have Monday to get stuff done around the city.  By 8:15 PM, I'd packed up the car and gotten myself ready to go.  I said my goodbyes and hit the road with less than half a tank of gas.

There was a surprising number of random traffic jams, but otherwise fine traffic.  It ended up taking me until 11:30 PM to get home, with a stop for gas.  That's an unacceptable amount of hourage.  Ouch.  Oh well, it was a nice drive.  I listened to Andrew Bird, My Brightest Diamond, and Violent Femmes along the way.  I think there was something else I started in on briefly, but I can't remember it.

Anyway, home now, with all the windows in my room open.  BEAUTIFUL out.  Someone replaced our shower curtain with a greenish blocky one with palm trees on it, and put my white one up in the closet.

I approve.

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