
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Perpetually Post-Dated.

I seem to be one day behind.

This is for yesterday, Tuesday, April 6, 2010.


So I biked myself home in the morning, around 7:15 AM, took a short nap, and then got myself into work by about 9:00 AM.  Not bad.  The day went fairly well, as I recall.  I sorted out some bits with the integration I'm working - the majority of it is in pretty decent shape now.  I stayed at work until approximately 6:00 PM.  I was scheduled to meet Julia and her friend Grace at 6:30 PM in Central.  I left the office at the same time as Hillary - she on foot, me on my bike - and she had the very smart idea that I ride over to Central along the river, rather than through the city streets.  Excellent.  I took her advice, and decided part way there that I'd just show up at Julia's school to meet Grace and her, rather than stand around Central waiting for them.

So I biked on over, stood around for a few, got a call from Jason, re: Magic cards at Newbury Comics, and then got a call from Julia.

They must have walked right by me - cause they were already at Central.  I said a quick, "Oh!  Be right there!", and biked up Magazine to Central, and found the two of them standing around near the corner of Mass Ave. and Prospect.

I tied my bike up to a tree on Prospect, and we went to The Field for some food and bee-ahs.  I'd never been in there!  Nice little spot.  We got a rockin' table in the corner.  I had a veggie burger.  It was Morningstar Farms, far as I could tell.  Their fries were good, though.  (And the burger wasn't bad, just not really noteworthy either).

After an hour or so, Julia/Grace's friend Devin showed up as well, and we all hung out for a while longer.  At some point we took our leave of The Field (and Devin - she had to go) and took the T back to Harvard, then walked over to Julia's place.  There was a bit of drinking of the whiskey.  Rather than bike home, I just resolved to spend a second night over there.  Yay, path of least resistance!

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