
Monday, April 12, 2010

More or less schleepy.

Woke up at 6:30 AM, went for a run with Jules at 7:00 AM.

I could not figure out how the hell to run.  Geeze.  It's like I'd forgotten how.  Regardless, we ended up doing a 3.2 mile route in 26 minutes.  I felt like crap.  Or, well, at least, I felt like I must be able to do a lot better, because that sucked.

Anyway, at least the company was awesome.  She didn't seem to mind my grumbling. (Thank you!)

After that, I had myself a little breakfast of an English muffin and some yogurt with granola/Craisins in it, cleaned m'self up and shipped myself off to work.  It was a beautiful morning for my various commuting walks.

Work was... fragmented.  By the end of the day I felt sorta grumpy and ineffective.  I'm planning on sleeping right after this in an attempt to make sure I'm bright eyed in the morning.

I didn't end up going to class today, either.  I felt like crap on my way home, and just wanted to sit and not think.  It would have been a rough set of classes.

Instead, I will admit that I vegged out.  I booted up Windows, I spent some time installing Starcraft II, and played one little game of it against the Very Easy computers.  I won, needless to say.

And... that's about that.  As said, I think I'm going to go crash.  Maybe 8 hours of sleep will do me some good.


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