
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Moving, Little League, Dragons, and various beverages

Yesterday was pretty good all around.

Woke up at 6:00 AM and went for a run, 3.something miles, I think.  During the second half I was wicked tired, but made it through.  I eventually shipped myself off to work where I got some shtuuuff done until around 3:00 PM when we were scheduled to move the office around.

My move involved Graeme (our CEO) moving my desk six inches.

So I tried to help everyone else a bit instead.  I was looking forward to moving, too!  But so long as the environment has shuffled around, I figure it's like moving to a new spot.

Post move, around 3:30 PM or so, there was bourbon, pretzels, and beer.  Delicious.  Julia and I planned to meet up on Sixth St. to go to one of her students' little league games for a bit - just to make an appearance.  Around 6:00 PM or so, after getting some more work done, actually, I headed out and met her somewhere up there.

After stopping in with some encouraging words, we made our way back to Cambridge Street and had a little dinner-snack at Atwoods.  Pretty good.  It was around this time that we started coordinating plans with Eric Fields and Gwen.  They were already eating somewhere near Inman.  They went to Harvard Sq. for dessert.  We were up north of Kendall.

Eventually we took the 86 bus over to Harvard Sq. and met them at Dado tea.  On the way down Church St., we ran into an unexpected friend of Julia's, who ended up joining us at The Dado.

We stuck it out there until 9:45 or so - 15 prior to closing time - and then walked over to the Harvard Square movie theater thing, where upon we have some disagreements over what movie to see.

Gwen and Eric had no desire to see How To Train Your Dragon.  Jules and I didn't seem to have any desire to see anything else.  Oh!  And we met two more friends of hers' outside the theater - though this time it was planned.  Jillian and... Justin?  Someone correct me if that's wrong. Sorry!

So we ended up seeing different movies.  Everyone was happy.

Afterwards, Gwen went home, and the rest of us headed up to Porter to get a drink at Christopher's.  The bar staff seemed sorta off their game.  But that's okay, it's Christopher's.

We stayed at Christopher's for a while, and eventually went out various, separate ways.  The end!

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