
Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Got up at 6:00 AM this morning, went for a run at 6:30 starting from my place.  We went a modified Oxford route, swinging by The Craigie on our way back up to Richdale.  ~3.4 miles, apparently.

I biked into work, got there by about 9:15 AM or so.  It was kinda a frustrating day, as I wasn't able to get my new and improved parsing approach to work, and instead just opted to go back to what I was already doing.  This took about half the day to decide, unfortunately.  Oh, well.  If it'd worked, I think it would have been better and saved me some time - as it stands, I just learned a lot instead about the Java compiler (type erasure), JAXB, XJC, XSDs, and Java XML binding annotations.  Coolness.

Around 5:00 PM or so, Julia and I started up our plotting again from where we left it off this morning.  Going to the grocery store figured high on the list.  We decided to meet out in front of the 2nd Street Cafe.

With that in mind, I left work at 6:00 PM or so.  M'Lord was outside, messing with his car, and after a few minutes Daniel came out for some roller bladin'.  I said he should follow me up to 2nd Street to say "Hi" to Jules.  He did!  We all stood around for a few minutes with our various forms of transportation and shot witticisms at the breeze.  After a few, Julia and I got on our way, taking a winding, back road route through Cambridge up to my place, where we stashed our bikes and gear and took a little walk over to Shaw's.

Yay, foods!


After descending on the supermarket like a two person plague of... shoppers... we wandered back, refrigerated that which needed refrigerating, had a pleasant dinner of salad and cottage cheese (MMMM.) and then got down to the business of bidness.

I spent some time working on this Evaluation site for NEC.  Julia made some lovely grid drawings.  I have one sitting here, drying.

She left around 11:30 PM or so, and... here I am.  I'm trying to work on this NEC thing, but my poor eyes are getting tired and kinda refuse to stay open.  I think I may have to just give it a rest.  It's so close though.

I'm ready for summer.

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