
Thursday, April 22, 2010

La la la la life goes on

Lying in bed.  Laying in bed?  The one that doesn't involve being untruthful.

Looong feeling day.  Really, it can't be that long, because I'm pretty certain that all days are roughly the same length, and that one particular day in April is highly unlikely to be the longest.

They have leap seconds to correct that sorta thing.

Today began with a 3.somethingsomething mile run at 6:30 AM, as it often does.  Or, more precisely, 6:40 AM.  Or there abouts.  It was a great run, I thought.  Felt really good.

After that, I biked myself to work after a breakfast of yogurt and granola.  And a banana.

Work involved making a lot of existing code make sense.  Major refactoring for the purposes of continued maintenance, readability, and non-blobness.  I feel much better about it all now.

I eventually left work at 5:00 PM or so and biked myself home.  It had just finished pouring down rain, so everything was all wet, but half the sky was blue.  Crazy.  Not a bad ride back, though.

From 5:30 PM until 8:00 PM, I worked on NEC's evaluation software thing.  It works.  At 8:00 PM, I left for a lesson with Dave, which we pushed back 20 minutes or so because he was running late.  We talked about reading lead sheets and sight reading.  Good stuff.  I need to get better at that.

After our lesson, we talked about the software for a while, and we came up with a list of 30 or so things that need to be changed.


Mostly minor stuff, but... ouch.  I'll have to see when I can get it done.  Oi.

I eventually got home at like 11:00 PM.

And now I'm doing this laying thing, and I don't know that I can actually get up to go brush my teeth and get myself ready for the sleeping.

Guess I'll find out!

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