
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lasagna Recipe

I found this recipe on our Allurent wiki. I wrote it October 31, 2007 for our Halloween '07 Potluck Lunch.

Makes one 9 x 13 or 9 x 14 casserole of Lasagna. Ingredients are on a "as much as you need or want" basis. It ends up a bit different every time. Note the quotes around "recipe" in the title.


1 block of sharp cheddar cheese. (I bought a 1 lb block and used 3/4 of it)
1 block of Monterey jack cheese. (I bought a 1 lb block and used 2/3 of it)
1 jar of pasta sauce.
1 or 2 yellow squash of a good size
1 or 2 large zucchini of a good size (Not a cucumber!)
1 bag of spinach
1 can of olives
A dozen delicious mushrooms

One package of lasagna noodles. You want at least 12 noodles in there. If your package only has 9, that's probably not enough. The Joy Family Recipe calls for whole wheat noodles (though what we ate at the Pot Luck were not, because I couldn't find them!)


1. Chop vegetables up into delicious morsels.
2. Grate some cheese. Grate more if you need it as you go along.
2. Pre-cook squash, zucchini, and mushrooms.
3. Separately (or together if you think you can time it right), cook the spinach.
4. In a large pot, cook all the lasagna noodles to the tooth. Drain and wash with cold water so they don't stick together while you're preparing everything.
5. In your casserole, put down a layer of pasta sauce.
6. Layer 3 lasagna noodles across the bottom.
7. Realize that you should preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
8. Put a little sauce on the noodles. Not too much. Load up with veggies, then load up with cheese.
9. Layer noodles on top of all that going across the dish the short way.
10. Sauce them. Cheese them.
11. Noodle back the first way. Sauce, veggie, cheese.
12. Noodle one last time. Sauce it. Cheese it up until you can hardly see the sauce for all the dairy goodness.
13. Note: Layer order from steps 8 to 11 is really up to you. The random layer of noodles/cheese in the middle seemed like a good idea at the time. It's hard to screw this up.
14. Throw the whole thing in the oven for approximately 40 minutes, or until the cheese on top has started to brown a little.


1. Don't over sauce. If you do, you'll end up with a soup. I used approximately 3/4 - 4/5 of a jar of pasta sauce for a 9 by 13 casserole. At the same time, try to get the noodles a little moisture from the sauce around the edges - that's what makes them tasty.

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