
Saturday, April 17, 2010

A few days here and there

A couple days of catch up to do.

Thursday, I believe, started with a run at the usual time.  Something like five miles.  Rockin'.  The other major event of the day was Julia's opening/reception thingy at CCTV for the show she has there, Can't Be Shy Here.  She has nine pieces up in this corner space in the building with two glass walls looking out onto the street.  Awesome.

We met up in Central around 6:30 PM or so to get some supplies together (i.e., Red Stripe, PBR and snacks), in preparation for peoples' arrival around 7:00 PM.  Over the course of the next couple hours, a whole bunch of people swung by, stayed for a while, chatted, examined the delightful things up on the walls, and chilled out.  A good time, I think, was had by all.  Afterward, we swung by The Field (across the street) for a bit for some conversation.

Friday morning I wasn't feeling particularly great (or rather, I didn't sleep very well during the night, either), and called in sick to work for a few hours so I could get myself together.  It would have been rough if I'd tried to make it in earlier - as it was I was feeling a bit off most of the afternoon.  I eventually checked out around 6:00 PM or so, as I recall.

Upon getting home, I spent some time cleaning and organizing.  I got all my CDs back in their proper cases (sometimes they tend to get mixed up if you're switching CDs in the car frequently whilst trying not to drive off the road).  Things were looking pretty spiffy, I think.

In the evening, around 8:30 PM or so, Julia and I got together and watched Chariots of Fire, which I'd never seen.  Great movie!  We also ordered Vietnamese food from Le's, which was also great in its own, food-like way.  Vegetarian Pho and some sorta tofu/cabbage salad stuff, along with some fresh summer rolls.  I love vegetables.

Today started, ultimately, around 11:30 AM for me, though I'd been sending and receiving text messages for hours beforehand, and also woke up at 4:30 or so to see Julia off for the day on her trip out west.  These Mt. Holyoke people - early travelers.

At 2:00 PM or so, Eric (roommate) and I met Jason and Katherine at the Deluxe Towne Diner for a late-ish lunch/breakfast.  I had a Deluxe Colossal Hungry Person Special.  Again.  Oh man.  Delicious.

After getting back from the DTD, I gathered myself up with what I'd need for Sunday, and went down to Harvard Sq. to get my brother a birthday gift.  It was apparently like... record store appreciation day?  Or something?  Newbury Comics had live music.  Around 4:45 PM or so, I got a call from Chris saying that they'd made it to Adam and Lizzie's in Arlington, so I took the train back to Porter and then hopped on the 77 bus.

You see, the plan for the weekend, which I've thus far failed to convey, involved a lovely birthday party for Adam tonight - in Arlington - and another party tomorrow for Chris - in New Haven.  Thus, I resolved to bus it out to Arlington for tonight's shin dig, and then hitch a ride with Chris and Aleksandra back to New Haven' for Sunday's thaaang.  Thus, this is how I now write to you whilst lying on their couch-a-foldy-bed-thing.

But, anyway, around 8:30 PM or so, we hopped in the mini van and drove back to New Haven.  We got here around 11:30, I think.  And now, I'm over due for some sleepage.

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