
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Focus, foooocus.

Perpetually one day behind, lately.

This is for Wednesday, April 7, 2010.

As foreshadowed in Tuesday's post, Wednesday began with a lazy puttering around the Wagner household, chatting with Grace and Julia, and then a spirited bike ride back to my place to shower and get ready for the day.

Work went well enough - it kinda felt like a maintenance day.  Or, rather, a "sharpening the saw" sorta day.  I did some documentation, some estimating, some task definition, some communication, and a smidge of actual coding.  Eventually, I checked out around 5:00 PM-ish.  It was like 80 degrees outside, I had my bike, and I had the desire to use it whilst daylight remained.

So, I set out from the office, rode down to the river, and headed in the general direction of Washington state.  (That'd be west, for the geographically challenged. [That'd be away from work back towards home, for the directionally challenged.])

On my way, I took a little detour to Julia's school - rode by, surprised her a bit as it seems, and then continued on my merry way to JFK Park.  There, I proceeded to sit for a few (until maybe 6:20 or so), made a little house of twigs, and then leisurely rode myself back home.

Not.  Bad.

After I got home, chatted with Jules for a moment, re: my very short and abruptly ended visit, and we arranged for another working evening to try getting some stuff done.  I think we're both feeling a bit behind.  Plus, there was left over ice cream from Monday night.

So we hung out, she did some reading, I did some programming, and all was well.  I did find out, however, that my backup hard drive seems to have some sort of error on it, cause Time Machine can't back up to it.  This is extremely frustrating, as I refuse to install Windows 7 via Bootcamp until I know I have all my stuff backed up somewhere.  I've been trying to fix it today in the background, but with no luck.

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