
Friday, April 2, 2010

Beautiful day for a drive to Connecticut

Today was wicked long.

It started at 6:00 AM.  I woke up and got ready for our run at 6:30 AM or so.  By 6:41 AM, I started to wonder where Julia was.  I swore she had said that we should leave from my place in the morning at 6:30.  Apparently, now that I look back at it, she said "how about leaving your place at 6:30," which implied I should leave my place at 6:30 to get to her place so we could go for a run from there.  Oops.

So at 6:42 AM or so I was beginning to have an inkling of this, so I hopped on my bike and rode over on a hunch, figuring that if she was on her way over, we'd run into each other along the way.

Needless to say, I found her outside her apartment wondering where in the world I was.



We went for a run.  From her place down along the river to Western Ave., then up Western to Green Street, back along Green towards Harvard Square, ending at the corner of Mt. Auburn and JFK.  It was at this point that Julia offered to buy us some coffee/pastry, lovely girl that she is.  I happily agreed to her proposal.  At this point, I was getting annoyed at my legs for their general inability to run properly.  It was kinda annoying, and I was glad to convert brewing annoyance into brewing coffee.

After that, we walked back to her place, sat around for a few with our breakfasts, listened to a few tunes, and then around 8:20, went along our merry ways.  I started to ride back home, and decided on a whim to ride over to Fresh Pond instead.

I took the back roads over to 16 and then found my way in, and had a wonderful time riding around the pond.  It was great - the weather was absolutely perfect.

After that, I rode home, showered, and set about packing up some stuff to head down to Connecticut for the weekend.

I always kinda like it when you're going to your parents' place and you have no clothes to wear, because you can usually just throw all your dirty laundry in a thingy, throw the thingy in the car, and leave without bothering to pack a thing.

This is what I did.

Well, with respect to clothes, anyway.

I brought a guitar and computer, otherwise, along with my leftover stir-fry from the other night for lunch.

At approximately 10:02 AM I set out from my apartment, took route 2 out to 128, 128 to 90, 90 to 84, 84 to 8.  I got here in about two hours and fifteen minutes (which is pretty good).  I arrived at, well, 12:15 PM or so, much to my parents' surprise.  They thought I'd probably still be sleeping at that point.

I hung around home for a while, almost took a nap, and went with my Dad to the grocery store instead.  We got supplies for tomorrow.

After that, there are a few hours that are kinda a blur.  I talked with Mom for a while about Facebook.  I played a little Braid.  Chatted with Julia on the lines.  I played some guitar.  Oh!  I did my laundry (woo!).

Around 6:00 PM or so we had a little dinner of some sandwiches made out of some crazy bread my Dad baked (garlic, cheese, onion bread).  It had just come out of the oven and was delectable.  Delectable.

After that, we went over to Chris and Aleksandra's!  Got there around 7:00 PM or so.  The boys were still up - I read them a story about Napkin Rabbit before they went to sleep.  Aleksandra was out at a choir rehearsal, but eventually came home and we had a tasty dessert of ice cream, cinnamon bread, and some crazy fruit/lemon meringue stuff my Dad made (also today).  It was great.

Then the Canasta tournament began.

Chris and I, on a team, got pummeled.  The score was about 5000 to 4000 at the end after 3-4 rounds, and it was only that close because Chris and I got 2400 points all at once in the last round.  We were utterly destroyed the other three rounds.  Bad, bad luck.

Anyway, after that we drove back to Mom and Dad's.  And now I'm here.  The end.  Holy crap I'm tired.

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