
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Running low on battery power: The weekend

The title here is not a description of the weekend, but rather, a description of the state of my computer after this weekend.

Saturday... is a blur.  This is, I think, why I try to do this every day.  Fail.



On Saturday, I woke up at 7:20 AM and rode down to Julia's, and we went on a 5+ mile run along the river and through Back Bay from her place to the northeast corner of Boston Common.  Then we went on a 5+ mile walk back to her place via Mass. Ave., Prospect, Broadway, and through Harvard.  With a mile bike ride on either end, just for good measure.

That was pretty epic.  My legs are tired today.  Not sore - just tired.

After that, or rather, on the way back to Julia's, we stopped at Carberry's for some coffee/breakfast.  We ate it at her place.  Eventually, I got back on my bike and rode home to get a few things done with the day.

Like a two hour nap.

But first, on my way in, I ran into Eric and his friend Demarcus (I think that might be how it's spelled?) who were heading to Jose's Mexican Restaurant for some lunch.  I decided to join them.  I had a Burrito con Mole.  I ate half.  The rest I brought home and saved for dinner.

Prior to this, Julia and I had decided to make plans to watch The Triplets of Belleville at 7:30 PM or so.  So with the intervening 6 hours or so (our lunch began a little after noon), I got a few things done, took said nap, and made a quick trip to the store for ice cream and beer, just to try to be a good host.

Not half bad.  As always, a good movie.  Eric watched it with us.  And Paul showed up half way through!  That was cool!

After the movie, the four of us went over to Christopher's for a late dinner-ish thing (I had eaten the rest of my burrito around 5 PM).  Julia and I had yuppie nachos and beer.  The dudes got... I can't remember what else.

And then there was sleep, basically.

Sunday morning, Julia and I headed over to the Deluxe Town Diner for a late brunch (which makes it sound more like a lunch, I suppose).  This was around noon, I think.  We had to wait for 20 minutes or so, but it was worth it.  We sat at the counter.  We had coffee.  We had orange juice.  We had Deluxe Colossal Hungry Person Specials, which include pancakes, hash browns, toast, two eggs, and some form of meat or soy-meat product.  I finished all of mine, somehow.  Julia finished most of hers, tried to take it home, and we forgot about it in the restaurant.

Hopping back in the car, I drove her home, and then went back to my place to prepare for tonight's Ars business.  That, and take a 25 minute nap before leaving for Pete's around 5:00 PM.  Jason and I carpooled (I picked him up).  The session went pretty well, I think.  Lots of thinking, a little action.

Holy crap, sleep now.

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