
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ob-La-De, hah, hah hah!

So... woke up at 8:00 AM after two lovely 15 minute snoozes beyond my initial alarm for 7:30 AM.

Groggily walked around.  Had a bagel and cream cheese.  Biked into work.  Got there around 9:30 AM, as I recall.

Work went alright - slowly made more progress on my parser.  It's a time consuming process, unfortunately.  I think I'm maybe... 85% there?  I dunno, something like that.

There's really not too much else to say there.  Had a nice lunch with Mark, Mahmoud, Daniel, and Erik out on the roof deck.  Sun was actually, like, hot.

The afternoon went similarly to the morning.  I left the office at 6:00 PM and biked home via Cambridge St to Beacon, rather than the straight shot up Hampshire/Beacon.  I think I like it more.  Feels like there's less annoying lights, and you can just hook an easy right onto Beacon once you get there.  Mark and I were following each other most of the way, as he was heading up to Arlington.

Once I got home, I quickly cleaned some stuff up in preparation for Allie, Kat, and Mark (her brother's) arrival.  We played music!  Woo!  Everybody showed up at 7:00 PM or so, and we spent a little time getting ourselves situated and settled.  Then a little bit ordering food from Le's.  I had vegetable curry.  Tasty.  Then we got down to business, shuffling our way through The Beatles Ob-La-De Ob-La-Da, which was a good time.  We played that a bunch, just kinda getting a feel for it all.  Eventually, peeps got going around 9:00 PM or so.  We may choose a different place to play next time, I think.  My little room here is kinda small.

After that... I sat around a bit.  I set up Google Reader (awesome).  I posted this.  I thought about sleep.  I slept!


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