
Friday, April 9, 2010

Dragons and We Rule

Today went pretty well.  Julia and I went for a run this morning at around 7:10 or so.  Approximately 3 miles-ish.  The Oxford/Mass Ave route, with a few slight additions.  It was perfect weather - it wasn't raining, but it was very damp and misty.  Maybe 50 something degrees.

After that, we stood around, drank water, and ate fruit.  Wonderful.

Upon getting myself together, I trudged off through the morning mist to work.  Work went well, if slowly.  I thought I was awake in the morning, and by afternoon I was kinda beat.  I ended up leaving a little after 6:00 PM, and trudged through the formerly-mist-now-rain.

A dinner of cheese, crackers, and hummus ensued.  It doesn't get much better than that.  I sat around for a bit and played this little iPhone game called "We Rule".  It's very relaxing.  You make a little kingdom, plant crops, tax people, build fun structures, and compare cities with your friends.  Pretty simple, but nice.  Things grow over the course of hours in it, so you're continually coming back later to check on your shtuff.

Around 8:30 PM or so, Eric and I got in the car and drove out to Natick to watch How To Train Your Dragon, which was superb.  Really, really awesome.  The animation on the main character dragon was just gorgeous - such wonderful facial expressions.  Cutest thing ever in dragon form.

The movie lasted until 11:00 PM or so, after which we drove home.  And here I am.

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