
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Not sure what I learned tonight, but hopefully it'll translate into something useful in the morning.

Woke up at 6:30 AM.  Out the do' for a run by 7:00 AM.  Went for a 3.1 miler with Teh Wags.  24 minutes later, back at the apartment.  Sub-8 miles?  I'm comfortable with that.

Stretchingness ensued (as it always does).  Finally gathered myself up and got myself out the door by about 9:30 AM.  Rode over to work - beautiful day, if just a trifle chilly.  The thermometer said something like 36 when I woke up.  I love it when it does that, and then proceeds to increase by entire degrees every half hour or so between when I wake up and when I walk out the door.

At work by 10:00 AM-ish.  I made pretty good progress today.  I had some things that needed refactoring to encourage reuse, and some other things that needed refactoring because they sucked.  I think I did a lot of code reviews today.  Ended up leaving the office at 7:00 PM and taking the long way home.  The long way, for future reference, is taking Third Street down to Kendall, hopping over to the river, and following Memorial all the way back to Harvard, and then cutting through the neighborhoods (The "overland route") back up to home.  Always a pleasure.  Especially at a pleasant temperature.

Upon arriving home, I threw some laundry in the washer (won't be needing winter's flannel sheets anymore!), made myself a bagel, veggie burger, gorgonzola, salsa, and cheddar sandwich, grabbed a Guinness, and had a lovely little meal.

After that, I bummed around for a little bit, then resolved to get some guitar practice in.  This is what our esteemed headline is referring to.  Hopefully something will come of it tomorrow.

For now, though, day two of try-to-get-plenty-of-sleep.

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