
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Benches, Brazilians, Buses, and Bed

Today started with the usual, but not quite.  I woke up at 6:30 AM, got out the door by 7:00 AM or so.  A few minutes later found me in front of Ms. Julia's place.  I stood for a few, I stretched, I considered the time, I resolved to go ring the bell.

... And there she was!  So we went on our way towards the river, though the request was made to walk it.  So we did.  Crossed Memorial, started on our way towards JFK Park... still at a walk.

"Oh, what a nice bench!" someone said.  I don't really recall who.  So we sat down and watched the boats for 35 minutes or so.

And that was the end of the run.  Tada!

Post "run," we wandered back, heated some water for tea/made some coffee, and I ended up leaving before it was done cause I realized I needed to get on my merry way.  A short bike ride later found me at home, a little bit of preparation and T traveling found me at work.

The work day progressed slowly, I think.  I've been working on this same piece of code for a while now, and I'm starting to stare through it at times.  I hate when that happens.  Focus, kid.  Git 'er duuun, as they say in the vernacular.  I think.  That is, I think that they say that.  Those people.  In the vernacular.  Yes?


I ended up leaving the office a bit early to make time to go home,  practice a bit, and get to my lesson at 7:30 PM.

At 5:30 PM, just sitting down to an English muffin, cottage cheese, and orange juice (... okay, I agree, that's a weird meal.   But it's what I felt like - don't judge me!), I got a call from Dave.  He informed me that he screwed up the schedule a bit, and my lesson slot was actually at 6:30 PM.  Doh!  I said no problem - cause it wasn't, really - and ate my dinner, gathered myself up, and got out the door by 5:55 sans practice.  Bugger.  I'm glad I left when I did, cause it took me all 35 minutes to get across town to Brookline.

The lesson went well.  We talked about Jobim and Brazilian music.  Awesome.  I can kinda play a bossa rhythm.

I listened to Explosions In the Sky - loud - both on the way to Brookline and on the way home.

Oh!  At work, I bought an Amtrak ticket for this weekend.  On Sunday, I'll be taking the train from New Haven back to Boston.  Saturday, I'll be hopping in Chris and Aleksandra's van to get down to CT for my brother's birthday party on Sunday.  Ticket wasn't too bad - $48.  That's practically what I'd spend on gas, and only a little more expensive than the bus.  But!  With two benefits:

1. The train ride is one hour shorter.
2. It's a train damnit!  WOO.

The rest of this evening has been blissfully unproductive.  For the most part.

I played some Plants vs. Zombies, and that's about the most I can say.

And now, early to bed.

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