
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Whiling Away the Weekend

A few days to catch up on here.

Friday morning began with a lovely 4.1 mile run along various bridges around the river.  In general, it felt great.  The day proceeded with a whole lot of Dogpatch Labs people running around like crazy building furniture.  All told, it was pretty distracting and annoying, but what're you going to do?  They've got to build it all sometime.

I ended up having some nice vegetable curry with tofu from The Similans for lunch.  Basil.  Delicious.  We sat out on the roof deck under the shade, and it was more or less perfect.

After work, Daniel and I met Julia at The Border Cafe in Harvard Sq. for drinks (read: margaritas) and dinner.  She was on foot, so we took the long way there from Kendall, along the river.  It took us thirty minutes to arrive.  Once we were all there, it was another thirty minutes or so before they could get us a table, so we stood in the bar with our margaritas and enjoyed.  I was about to say I don't know why The Border's chips are so good, but then I realized I do: salt.  So salty.  So delicious.

Eventually we got a table, and I procured myself some vegetable fajitas, which I just now realized I ended up leaving in Julia's fridge on Friday night.  About 8:30 or so, while we were still in the restaurant, Jason and Katherine wandered in to say hello!  It was awesome, and a surprise.  Glad they dropped by.

After leaving the Border and discussing various, potential hiking trips, Jules and I got some ice cream and hung out at her place for the evening (thus the fajitas in the fridge).  Overall, an awesome Friday.

Saturday involved a few fun things.  In the morning I took Julia down to the SMFA for her Saturday modeling gig, and made it back to my apartment within like 30 minutes.  It's amazing, sometimes, how quickly you can get from place to place in Boston.

After that, I hung around for a few hours, took a nap until 11:30 or so, and then went up to Davis Sq. to meet Dave FR prior to his Morris dancing performance.  We ended up getting ahold of Mike and Ria and having lunch at Mike's (the restaurant) there in the center of Davis.  I had a "small" calzone, which was enormous.  And awesome.

Around 1:00 PM, Dave met up with his dancing group in the center of Davis, and danced around for the next two hours.  Eventually, Mike, Ria and I took our leave and went back to their place, where Mike and I proceeded to play Mr. Jack and Clans.  Mr. Jack is... difficult, to say the least.  But only if you're Jack.  The inspector has it easy.  After four games, Jack never once got away.  I suppose if this were an accurate depiction of real life, that's how you'd want it.

Clans was fun.  Especially since I won.  Booyah.

Aaaaaaaafter that, I went home, bummed around for a bit until 7:00 PM or so when Julia showed up and we had a little dinner.  Or, rather, she had dinner and I had some water and a spoonful of peanut butter because I was still full from lunch.  Oof.  Still delicious.

Around 8:30 PM, we biked up and rode out to Cambridge St./Prospect St. to meet up with Eric Fields and Gwen for a project night at her place.  Good times.  Tasty wine.  Delicious cupcakes.  Some productivity and conversation in equal measure.

Oh, and the night just keeps going.

We left Gwen's around 11:00 PM and rode down to Central's Improv Asylum (I think that's what it's called, there across from CCTV?) for the evening's comedy.  At the end of the night, Julia's friends (The Good News Bears) were performing a sketch comedy bit called iPocalypse Now, about all our iPhones rising up against us.  It was awesome, and hilarious.

Okay, yeah.  And then, after that, around 1:00 AM, we walked our bikes from Central to Porter, and finally went to sleep.  Whew.

Sunday was a lazy day, spent (mostly) bumming around enjoying the day.  At 6:00 PM or so I drove out to Sudbury to hang out with the boys and play some Magic.  I had a good night - won every game I played (including our big four player free for all).  Not bad at all.

And now I'm here, sitting in the heat, telling y'all about it.  And my computer tells me I have 9 minutes of battery left.  Perhaps, I think, it's time to call it a night and a weekend.


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