
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Friday, The Iron Man-ith and Saturday the Sleepith of May

Yesterday was overshadowed by that which was planned to occur around 9:30 PM.

Iron Man 2.


So I woke up around... 8:00 AM.  Made myself ready and got in by 9:30 PM.  No run in the morning, as Julia was still in New York, and I recall being up pretty late the previous night.

Work went pretty well, I got some good documentation written, and made a few key improvements to the integration that made it work all the gooder.

Gooder, yes.

Lunch involved the roof deck, my guitar, the sunshade, and excellent company.  Oh, and some Tofu Yellow Curry over brown rice.  Delightful.  Ow, my fingers hurt as I type this.  (See later in the post, re: the last few hours)

It was slightly windy, but quite nice.

I ended up leaving work around 6:00 PM, as I recall, got home, got some foods, and then drove off towards Flamingham to stand in line for the movie.

I got there at the same time as Eric O., and we walked in together.  Bradd, Carl, Bradd's sister, and her boy (whose name I missed) were all there, camped out in line.  We joined them, and proceeded to chill out for the next two hours or so.

We ended up getting pretty much ideal seats for the movie, which I thought was an awesome spectacle.  Good on you, Mr. Robert Downey Jr.

After the movie, everybody stood around for a little while, and eventually broke up and went home.  On my way back, I stopped at Julia's place for a late night "Hi!".  We sat in the car for a few and chatted, and eventually went back upstairs and I chilled in the corner while she cleaned up around the house for a bit.  Yes, this was approximately 1:00 AM.

I think I ultimately got to bed around 2:00 AM after said cleaning, and some laundry was put in the machine.

Got up at 7:00 AM!  Briefly, cause the alarm went off!  Then slept until 8:30 AM., at which point I got up to be helpful and drive Julia over to her modeling gig at the SMFA.  At 9:15 AM, back at home, I resolved to go back to sleep, or rather, allowed myself to... and woke up again at 12:05 PM.

Ouch.  I had planned to get some stuff done this morning.  Dah!

Well, at that point, I wandered for a moment, groggily, before Eric and I decided to go to the Deluxe Town Diner for breakfast (late lunch).  We got there around 1:00 PM, got in around 1:15 PM, and were done by... 2:25 PM.  Delicious.  I had a spinach, broccoli, and feta omelet, and a single, wonderful pancake.

At that point, we high-tailed it back to the apartment, because I was expecting Allie, Kat, and Mark to show up at 2:30 PM for a wee little jam session.

They, luckily, all arrived around 2:40 - 2:45 PM or so, right after I'd gotten back.

We played a few songs (Ob-la-de, ob-la-da and All Together Now, messed around on E for a while, went crazy on a midi drum kit, and generally enjoyed ourselves in a loud, mostly-coordinated way.  I'm glad they came over!

And, now, here I am, around 5:30 PM, after everyone's left.  Julia's coming back over to collect her laundry and things, and I think we're going to go have dinner with her mom, who's in town.  (That whole Mother's Day thing!).  Should be a great night!

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