
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

This is a post on an iPad. Booyah.

Today began around 7:00 AM. I got myself together around 8:30 or so, maybe a little later. I had a lovely bike ride into work - I decided to take Cambridge Street in, which is becoming my new go-to route. The work day was pretty good, if somewhat fragmented. I feel like I worked on four different things. I probably did work on four different things.

After work, I rode down to the river and decided to head home that way. I stopped briefly at Julia's school to see if she was still around (I later found out she wasn't). After which I moseyed my way back towards West Cambridge. Somewhere around Harvard Sq. I decided it'd be easier to coordinate the evening with Julia in person, rather than over the phone from my place, so I stopped in to say hello. We agreed that a run would be a great idea, that the Pressure Cooker concert wasn't going to happen, and that we both really needed to get food from the grocery store.

So all that happened.

We went for what was probably a four mile run, after which we took a little trip to Shaws for some food. I'm thrilled! Food again! Finally!

And then we came here and ate it all. Or, well, a reasonable amount.

And that's about it. Whew. Made it through - it's not terrible typing on this, but it ain't easy either.

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