
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Bee bee queue.

Today was Mike and Ria's barbeque. Yesterday was a tofu stir fry at La Casa del Wagner.

It makes me happy that I can define these days by the food that they included.

Yesterday was also Friday, which included a lunch at "Za" - a pizza and salad joint that recently moved into an apartment/condo building near our office. It is, unfortunately, rather mediocre. You'd think that a place might be able to do something creative with a mac and cheese pizza, but no, they did something completely tasteless instead. Bummer. I went there with Mike, Daniel, and Erik, and I think the only reason any of us were remotely happy was because one of the pizzas had goat cheese on it which gave it some salty flavor. Double bummer.

Julia and I also went for a run Friday morning, which was great. A little less than 4.5 mills, I think. Tomorrow I needa go for about a six mile run. Yum.

I didn't get to the bike shop today... Hoping to do that tomorrow morning.

Earlier today, we went kayaking on the Charles out by 128. It was great! Lillies and their pads everywhere, and minimal power boat traffic. Great!

We (Jason, Kat, Eric C and his friend Angela) also went to Target and Best Buy for all sorts owe stuff. I think I spent upwards of $160 on household stuff, a capo, running gear, and shaving equipment. Soooooo worth it.

Mike and Ria's party was great. Tons of people. So tired. So mostly tipsy.

Time to crash.

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