
Monday, May 24, 2010

Whoah, Mt. Holyoke.

Huh, last post was Tuesday. Crazy.  That's sorta unexpected.

Lets see what I can remember.

I don't have much for Wednesday left in my brain.  I seem to recall most days last week leading up to this weekend's trip out to Western Massachusetts for Mt. Holyoke's reunions/graduation proceedings.  On Thursday, Jason came to interview here at work, which was fun.  Afterwards, he and I raced back to my apartment - he in his car, me on my bike.  I won by a few minutes, which was pretty gratifying.  Unfortunately, it seems that I blew out my back tire in the process.  I woke up Friday morning to find my front tire with a bent spoke (which happened, I think, prior to the race), and my back tire completely flat.  Bummer.  I need to make it out to Ace or somewhere to get a new tube.

After the wee little race, Jason and I went out to dinner with Kat and Eric Fields (I almost beat her to my apartment too).  We had some tastiness at Christopher's.  After that, around 9:00 PM, I hurried out of the place and hitched the Red/Green lines down to Fenway to meet Julia at the House of Blues for drinks with some of her MHC friends.  A good time was had by all.

Friday was mostly an exercise in waiting for the weekend and trying to get all sorts of things done.  It, unfortunately, did not involve biking to work.  Booo.  Jules and I went... somewhere... that night.  OH!  Right!  We went to a play put on by the kids at her school.  Tumbleweed.  It was probably the best school production I've ever seen - they did a great job.  We also had a brief adventure through Trader Joe's.

Saturday morning I bummed around for a few, packing up some things to bring with me to Western Mass.  Meanwhile, Julia was out at another kiddo's soccer game.  Around 1:00 PM, we got in the car, drove through Watertown, and got onto Interstate 90W.  After a pleasant drive, we arrived at my cousin Shauna's place around 2:30 PM or so, and chatted with her briefly before heading down to MHC's campus for the afternoon.  We walked along the horse/running trails, took a tour of the campus, saw a bunch of friends and acquaintances, and generally took in the whole experience.  The evening saw us at the Hangar for a drink with a bunch of her teammates from track/cross country, after which the two of us went to Basta e Pasta in... Amherst... for dinner.  Which was quite good.  And then there was ice cream.

There's always room for ice cream.

Sunday morning we got up, Julia went down to graduation, and I hung out with Shauna, Yem, and the kids for a bit.  It was cool - I got to teach them a bit of guitar stuff.  I need to ask Dave what the most effective thing to try teaching a nine year old is.

Around 12:30 PM I walked from Shauna's down to MHC and met Julia at the top of the amphitheater.  We wandered around for a bit meeting/congratulating people before heading back to Shauna's for lunch.

A bit later, we said our goodbyes and went on our way.  We decided to take route 2 back, instead of 90. Good choice, kids.

Route 2 was much more pleasant.  On the way, we stopped at Mt. Skinner, drove to the top, looked around at the world, and went on our way.  Then we saw a rainbow, chased it (in the car), found Mt. Sugarloaf, drove to the top, and once again checked out the world.  Hey, world.

The rainbow was still there.

Sooner or later, we found our way back to Boston.

It was a great weekend.

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