
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pending evaluation

Today began around 7:30 AM or so, I think.  No run this morning - I think we're both feeling kinda overly-busy and crazy through next weekend.

Instead, got ready and wandered out the door a bit late.  We met Mr. Eric Fields (by chance) at the Porter T stop, and I freaked him out by wandering up unannounced and close-walking next to him.  Sorry, Eric!  I think it confused him for a piece.

Said my goodbyes to Julia and Eric at the Kendall stop - they were going on to South Station to catch a bus to NYC for the day.  (Crazy, they know.)  I made it into work by around 10:00 AM.

Felt kinda messed up today.  I don't know what I did, but I just did not eat right, or something, and felt completely wacky until around 4:00 PM when my brain/body chemistry finally evened themselves out.  Frustrating.  Managed to get a few things done, though.  Not as much as I would have preferred, but we do what we can.

Left work around 5:30 and took the T back home.  Had a bite to eat and beat Plants vs. Zombies adventure mode (!!) while I ate.  Around 7:30 PM (I don't know where the time went) I moseyed over to Dave's for a lesson.  We got started maybe 8:20 PM.  Or, rather, we got talking around 8:20 PM.  I think we got to the lesson bit around 9:00 PM, and that lasted until around 10:00 PM.  So I got back home around, I think, 11:00 PM or so.  Maybe a touch earlier, I don't know.

So we talked a lot about what I'm supposed to do for my evaluation next (not this) weekend.

Play West Coast Blues with folks - melody, comping, and solo.
Play Tune Up with folks - ditto.
Learn a few bars of a Wes Montgomery solo for WCB.  Play it at the beginning of my solo thang.
Play Eb Lydian for people.

This is scary.

We broke the whole thing down into tasks, cause Dave's awesome.  Basically... a bunch of stuff I need to do between now and next Friday night.  I think I need to re-prioritize a few things this next week to make room.  It just kinda... has to happen.  I need this to go well, and for me to feel like I actually did a good job, as opposed to just kinda squeaking by.  Or, at least, did the best I was able to.

I'm trying to figure out if there's some way I can get some practice in during the workday around lunch time.  Bleh.  Maybe I can roof deck it... I dunno.  I can't think of anywhere in the building I could actually practice.  I kinda need to, though.  Urgh.

So once home, I rearranged a few things in here.  Tried putting the whiteboard in a portrait orientation on my little black desk/table, rather than on top of my dresser in crazy-landscape-ness.  It feels much more natural, even though the tray is running vertical and, thus, useless. It fits in the space better.

What is all that bass?  Tell me you people are going to give it a rest.  Ugh.  Sounds like a drum corps somewhere near by.

Anyway, I think that's about all the steam I have for the day.

Tomorrow is Friday?  Holy crap.

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