
Monday, May 10, 2010


Sunday began with an early morning trip out to Arlington to hit up Mr. Eric M's tag sale.  Jason and Katherine arrived at my apartment around 8:45 AM, and we carpooled over to look around.

Purchases included (for all of us):

$20 worth of baked goods.
A yamaha (I think?) keyboard for Kat.
A $5 box of legos that we purchased without looking inside.

Not bad.

I almost bought Eric's amplifier (Fender, pretty nice), but couldn't justify it at the time.  I'm still sorta undecided.  It'd be a lot cheaper than buying one new, but... I just don't have the need right now.

Unfortunately, I realized this morning, that I forgot my jacket at his apartment.  Dah.

Wait, did I forget to blog about Saturday too?  No, I just missed Saturday night, I think.

Backing up.

Saturday night, I had a lovely dinner with Julia, Paul, and their Mom at their apartment.  Then we watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.  Crazy movie.  Then I wandered on home.

Anyway, Sunday.

After the morning's sale run, I ended up taking a two hour nap, or so, between noon and 2:00 PM.  After that, I biked over to Julia's and we spent some time greasing bike chains, attempting to re-align her handle bars, and generally doing some bike maintenance.  Mine is all stealthy and silent now - it's delightful.

After that, we walked to Harvard Square, took the T to Central, went to Payless, went to an art store in the area whose name I've unfortunately forgotten, and then walked across the Mass. Ave. bridge to Boston.

It was effing cold.  On the Back Bay side, we wandered through Urban Outfitters briefly, tried a few things on, and then took the green line over to Park to visit DSW for some shoes.

I got me a pair of flip flops.  Finally.  This is thrilling to me!

Post-DSW, we took the green line back to Hynes and had dinner at the Otherside Cafe, which, unbeknownst to me until I walked in, is apparently fixed-gear-hipster central.  Damn.  The food was excellent.  I had a veggie chili burrito with all sortsa stuff.  Julia had some crisp, delicious carrots/beets with some sort of nutty pate.  And there was beer.

Following dinner, we took the #1 bus back to Harvard Square and stopped in to CVS.  And emerged, separately, each clutching a bunch of candy.

I love Reese's Pieces.  Just sayin'.  I'm bummed that I realized they're full of trans fat.  Grr.

The rest of the evening involved some quiet reading around Julia's apartment.  Nice.

This morning, I got myself together and made it over to work by around 9:30 AM or so.  The T was running kinda slow, and one train was taken out of service before I could actually get on one.  I expected to get there earlier.  Bugger.

Today was a fairly productive documentation day.  Around 10:00 AM I suddenly got really nervous about this stupid jazz evaluation later in the week.

It's kinda silly.  There are a few things that will get me really freaked out, but a sense of impending dread over the possibility of publicly embarrassing myself in front of people I respect and would rather impress is one of them.

In a way, it's sorta interesting to observe in myself.

I felt vaguely ill, I didn't feel like eating anything, and part of me would have been much happier either sitting with my back to a corner looking out at the world, or hiding under some blankets.  Except for the food thing, the rest is still kinda there and has been all day.

Clearly, it's not an overwhelmingly strong fear, as I seem to be mostly capable of ignoring it, but all of those elements are definitely in there.

Life will only get more interesting as the week progresses, I'm sure.

I spent the last hour and a half pulling together NEC evaluation data so Dave could review it.  Just to reiterate again for my own, future benefit:

David (me), don't volunteer for programming projects in your spare time.  You don't have the time to do it and get anything else done.

Seriously.  Don't do it.

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