
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dun-dun-dun da dun duh do-do do, dobitty-do do do-be do do

Today I slept in until around 8:00 AM because I ended up getting to sleep kinda late last night, and didn't feel like being exhausted all day at work.  Smart on me, cause I felt pretty good all day instead.

I had a lovely bike ride into work this morning, pleased with myself for noticing the giant effing truck in front of me was going to make a right hand turn across my path without using his blinker before he actually did it.


Got to work a smidge after 9:00 AM, I think, and proceeded to spend most of the day finishing up documentation for this 'ere project I've been working on for what feels like forever.

Finally finished it up around 4:00 PM, and amazingly moved on to something completely unrelated for the first time... I don't really remember.




Left work around 7:00 PM, after spending an hour mid-day working on some music stuff.

Biked home via the Charles for a bit of relaxation, got home.  Figured if this job of mine isn't going to help make me a rockstar, it can at least buy me some dinner.  Ordered some Indian from India Castle.  It arrived around 8:30 PM.

Spent the next few hours working on West Coast Blues.

Am exhausted.

Playing a bit of Warpgate.

Grumbling at Apple for not telling me "Your iPad's at the store!  Come get it!"


That's okay - the next few days will have their highlights.

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