
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sippin' on gin and... gin.

Today worked out pretty well. Got up at 6:30 AM, went for a run around 7:00 AM from Julia's.  Ran from my place to hers, ended up with about a 4.5 mile run, all told.

Got to work by around 9:30 PM, and had a fairly productive day with branding kits.  Finished off the rest of my Tofu Yellow Curry for lunch, which was delightful.  Around 3:00 PM or so, Mike, Mark, Eric and I (Hereafter known as The iPad Crew) took a trip to the mall to get coffee and wander briefly through the Apple store looking for various things.  I wanted to get a sleeve for my iPad so I can actually, like, take it somewhere without worrying about scratching it.

Alas, no decent case/sleeve was to be found.  Bummer.  At least, not for anything cheaper than $40, which is absurd.

The rest of the day went without incident, and I left around 5:30 PM or so.

I took the train back to Harvard Sq., and then walked up to Porter from there, reading Bird By Bird as I went.  It was a great walk - very pleasant!

Upon arriving home, I went into cleaning mode after a quick snack-o-dinner.  I put away all the dishes, put away my clean clothes, and sorted, trashed, and filed every single piece of paper in my possession.  That last one feels spectacular.  Normally I end up with a stack somewhere... not this time!  Bwaha.


Since then, I've kinda been hanging out, playing a bit of Warpgate, mentally preparing myself for tomorrow.

Which, I think, I'm going to go physically prepare myself for by going to sleep.

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