
Monday, May 3, 2010


Hopefully I can actually post this.  Our Internet tonight has been horrendously slow.  Like... less than 5 KB/sec slow.  Geeze.


This morning I woke up at 7:00 AM and got myself into work by 9:00 AM.  Not bad.  Worked straight through until 5:15 PM or so, and got a number of little details figured out on my lovely integration project.  Felt pretty good.  I think the thing is pulling itself together, mostly.

It was wicked hot today.  Or, well, it seemed to be, anyway.  I think it was hotter on Sunday.

Anyway, after work, Erik and I walked north to the Green line and took the train from Lechmere instead of walking to the Red line.  Kinda cool - you can actually get a seat if you catch the train there.  Turned out to take about 40 minutes anyway for me to get from work to class, but... eh.  I think I've done it faster, but it was easy, at least.

Class was pretty good tonight.  Theory made sense, I did our little exercises fine, and I felt effective in Ear Training.  We did this exercise where we went through all the chords of Blue Room, Rani would play the chord and a single melody note, and we had to tell him what the note was in relationship to the chord, as well as what note it actually was.  It was great practice - I think we should do more of that sorta thing.  It gets you to think about intervals and reading, as well as to give you some practice with the keys involved.  Nice.

After class, I walked up to Hynes and caught the #1 bus from there across the river.  Took the bus to near Harvard Sq., and then walked home from there.  I think I got home around 9:40 PM or so.  I stopped at Gourmet Express for some hummus, trail mix, and grapefruit juice along the way.  

Oh!  And taboule.  Which is okay.

Anyway, I guess I'll try to post this.  Hopefully it actually works.

And I can't stop looking at iPads.

Help.  (Either by telling me to stop, or telling me to buy one.)

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