
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day of the iPad

Woke up today at 7:00 AM or so.  Had a lovely bike ride into work, except for the car that almost cut me off, and sat down at my desk around 8:55 AM.

I've come to the conclusion that I really like writing Java code in Eclipse.  It's just so satisfying.  That said - I mostly lost track of time today as I worked through cleaning up this parser I've been writing.  It's lookin' pretty good now, and feels safer.  Coolness.  We had a great lunch out on the roofdeck with Daniel, Erik, George, Shan and I.  We talked about glossy vs. matte screens.  George and I brought our laptops outside (mine glossy, his matte) and compared them for Erik's benefit (he started the conversation asking what we prefer).  Good times.

After lunch, Erik and I wandered over to the Apple Store to look around; he at laptops and me at iPads.

I want one.  There, I said it.


One of the kind employees - Sarah, so her name tag told me - was kind enough to chat with us about laptops, and give her well informed opinions on the glossy vs. matte issue.

She agreed with me - glossy's better cause you can turn down the brightness and check yourself out.

We all eventually agreed that matte seems kinda fuzzy lookin'.

So Erik, I think, eventually decided on the glossy.  And then he went to get some candy.  And then we stood and played Plants Vs. Zombies on the iPads in the store for a while.  And then we went back to ask our friend Sarah if they had any in stock.

"No" was, of course, the answer.

So I signed up to reserve one.   Hah!  They should, supposedly, get another shipment in in a few days, and there'll be one waiting for me if I choose to come get it.

... I probably will.  Cause they're pretty cool.


Eventually I left work around 6:30 PM and took the scenic route home (i.e., the river).  Right as I rode past Harvard Square, I decided to turn back and hang out at the Dado for a bit.

Whilst there, I salvaged all my tasks and to-dos out of OmniFocus by opening up its raw data files and paring them down until I could see what I had in them (it's difficult to actually remember what you recorded, simply because the whole point of recording it all was so that it wouldn't be in your head!).  So I made a big, current to-do list, which felt great.

I also had a chai bubble tea and a red bean mochi.

Around 8:30 PM or so, I rode home and nearly ran over some cops on my way up Garden St.  Oops.  They weren't crossing at a crosswalk!  Sorry, y'all!

And here I am.  Drinkin' some beer out of a growler provided by Matt.  Thanks, Matt!

And, simultaneously, some grapefruit juice.  They go surprisingly well together.

That's that, I think.

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