
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Duuuhhhh... whahh?


I just e-mailed out the last piece of this jazz evaluation day software stuff.  Been working on it for the last four hours.

I'm so, so, so, so ready for this week to be over.  And by over, I mean Sunday morning.

Yesterday was... a whirlwind.  I got some stuff done at work, I'm pretty sure.  Then I went home and studied and played music until Julia got here at like 10:00 PM, after which we both commiserated about our days.

Today felt about the same, except when I got home I got a call from Dave Z saying he was wicked sick, and that he needed to cancel my lesson for the night.  This, it turns out, was probably a really good thing, as it took me the aforementioned four hours to get this evaluation thing together and e-mailed off to everyone.


So no studying for me tonight.  Or... something.  Maybe I'll pick up a guitar for a few, but my effing hands are tired already from all this mousing and typing.

Oh, and I had two very, very lovely bike rides to and from work yesterday and today.  Went home by the river on both days.  That's about the rest of what there is to say.

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