
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday morning run, #28

So my proposed running route, linked in previous post, and my actual route were pretty close.  I left out a small loop in the middle, but added a larger one at the end.  So... all told, I went 8.3 miles.

It ended up looking like this:

So, umm.  Yeah.

... YEAH!!!!

There, got that out of my system.  I found myself with energy to spare at the end, and as far as I can tell, I was only outside for approximately 60-70 minutes or so.  I think I must have left around 8:30 AM, stretched for a few, and got back into the house after a short walk at 9:45 AM.  Sounds good to me.  At worst, I was doing 8 min 30 second miles, but I'm fairly sure it was bit better than that, and I'm hoping it was sub 8.  That might be a stretch, though!

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