
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Spring Run #27 - Thursday.

Woke up this morning at 6:10 AM feeling quite tired.  Got outside by 6:35 when Julia showed up.  Started off thinking, mostly to the road, "I don't have a lot to give, but what I've got I'll give to you," feeling like I wasn't going to make it two miles, much less...

4.6 miles.  Whoah.  Here's the map:

Not bad for a day on which I was tired, sleepy, sick, and sore.  If I can do 4+ on a crap day, I should be all set for good days, right?  Woohoo!  It was really quiet out until the very end of the run up Mass. Ave.  A chilly (~55 degree), wet morning.  Lots of mist.

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