
Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Woke up kinda late today, got into work around 10:00 AM or so.

The morning involved a bunch of stuff on one of my new various new projects, figuring out what we were going to do, as well as some e-mailing with folks over at DW.  Lunch was pretty good - we called in some Tofu Yellow Curry over Brown Rice.  Yum.

The afternoon was fairly uneventful.  I eventually left the office a bit after 6:00 PM - Mr. Erik and I were the only ones there at that point.  I had a pleasant ride home through MIT's campus (Vassar Street) and along the river, getting home around 7:00 PM.

Once there, I tried to get the pedals off my bike.  I had little luck.  They're on there way too tight for my meager tools to undo.  I'm going to need to like... bring it home, or get somebody with a better tool set to help me out.

At 7:45 PM or so, Julia came over, and we went for a run.  It was approximately 4.3 miles.

It felt pretty good, though my knees were bugging me a little bit.  I think I've done a lot of running/biking the past few days.  Maybe just a tad worn out.  Speaking of which, I should get me to sleep.

First I should finish my whiskey.

Mmmm.  Whiskey.

I'm putting off reading A Game Of Thrones.  Once I start, I know I'll be reading the series for a few months.

I've also been listening to Passion Pit a lot lately.  Just picked up Manners today, and it seems pretty good.  Rockin'.

Last night Julia and I were talking about writing over dinner at Jose's.  I like the idea of having a site on which to post snippets of story.  I've always thought that was a cool idea, it was nice to have a little validation that it isn't a crazy notion.  (I don't know why it would be, but it was still nice.)  I'd like to hook that up.

Maybe it needs to go on the todo list.  Oh, yes.  The list.  Mmm.

Yeah, that's all I've got.

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