
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I'd pick you up each morning for doughnuts and tea.

Sunday was a fun filled extravaganza, even after the run. At 1:30 pm or so, my parents showed up at Chris and Aleksandra's and we had us a little birthday party. Complete with presents, cake, brownies, and little boys attempting to open presents that weren't their own - simply because they couldn't help it.

I ended up leaving Connecticut around 4:30 pm or so, and drove myself up to Sudbury for the evening. Hung out there until around 12:30 am. Good times. Jason is doing a great job.

Monday morning Julia and I had breakfast and coffee at Dado at 7:30 am. It was wicked relaxing. The work day went pretty fast, and I spent a good chunk of it trying track down some weird rendering bugs in one of our widgets.

In the evening after work, Julia and I ended up going to The Border Cafe for dinner and a margarita. Awesome.

Today was very similar to yesterday, except that I figured out the problems I was working on since yesterday, and we had smoothies in the evening at her place, rather than Tex-Mex.

I don't know how, but I am so full, and I need all that bolding and emphasis to convey to you the gravity of the smoothie currently nestled in every corner of my poor, yet delighted stomach.


And now I should sleep.

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