
Monday, June 7, 2010

Event Awesome: The Seven Mile Run!

Whoah days.

Lets see...


I had a lesson Thursday!  I think.  Wait, no I didn't.  That got moved to Saturday morning.

Instead, on Thursday, I had dinner with my cousin Peter, his wife Kimberly, and their daughter Abby!  They live off in Oregon, and were in town for a weekend wedding for Kimberly's nephew, I think.  We had dinner at Grafton Street in/near Harvard Square.  I had a Sixpoint Bengali Tiger (IPA) and a pizza with wild mushrooms, rosemary, feta, and onions.  Both were delicious.  It was great catching up with them - sounds like things are going well out west.

Afterwards, I biked myself home and, as I recall, collapsed for the evening.

Friday involved hitting up a gathering at Julia's friend Ben's place down in Allston.  We met her friend Alix in Central Square, got some supplies (read: cheese and beer), dropped some stuff off at Julia's, got some more supplies (read: wine), and then took the 66 bus down to their place on the other side of the river.

There was a lady on the bus who kept yelling out "DEEEHH!" (which I originally, creepily, interpreted as "DEATH!" the first few times I heard it), at irregular intervals, sometimes five or six times in a row.  Loud.  The bus did its best to pretend she wasn't there.

Society is weird sometimes.

The party was a good time - it was a wine and cheese affair, with great varieties of both.  Cool group of people.  Pretty chill - we left around the time when they started le dance musik.  We all stood around and waited for the bus for around 30 minutes (or what felt like it), and then moseyed our way back to Harvard Square and crashed at Julia's place, all wine and cheesed up.  There was a craaaaaazy thunder storm during the night.

Saturday morning I was to have a guitar lesson at Dave's over in Brookline.  I got up, went outside, and discovered that someone had stolen the seat and stem off my bike.  Bastards.  My wheels were there, everyone else's bike seemed intact.  My wheels are even quick release.  Just my silly little seat was gone. What the hell!  It wasn't even expensive or something - it came with the bike.

People are weird sometimes.

So, grumbling to myself the whole way, I walked my bike back to my place, had a quick breakfast, and car'd my way over to Brookline for a lesson.  Dave and I talked about West Coast Blues some more, played it a bit, and it was time to go.  I helped him out and gave him a ride over to school.  It was graduation day.

After that, I recall taking a little nap and bumming around for a bit before going over to Jason's place around 2:00 PM or so, where we sat and talked about Ars for a while.  I'm handing off storyteller-ness of our campaign to him, so I told him all my secrets.  At 4:00 PM or so, Dave FR and Mike came over, and we all sat around and played Risk: GODSTORM.  (Capitalization added for emphasis.)  Fun Risk variant, though there were a few things that we weren't sure were particularly necessary, such as the underworld battle area thingy.

We played that for a few hours, and then I left around 8:00 PM or so and hung out with Julia for a while.  Great end to a great day.

Sunday morning, we went for our weekend long run of 7 miles.  SEVEN MILES!  YEAH!

I am happy with this.  

After the run, we took a walk from our ending spot to Central, took the train to Porter, and got some coffee at Cafe Zing.  It was awesome with lots of cream.

The next few hours involved my taking a shower, bumming around, and taking a bit of a nap from 4:30 to 6:00 PM or so.  Whew.

Then there was Ars!  Jason did a great job. 

There was no power out in Sudbury, so we rocked the whole evening by candlelight.  I think all tabletop RPGs should be done this way.

Then there was sleep, after the ride home.  I was exhausted.

Monday, today, was pretty good.  Did some more exploratory stuff at work, got a new, awesome coworker (Sam), and left by around 5:30 PM or so.  Moseyed my bikin' self over to Julia's school by 6:00 PM, and we took a pleasant river ride back to her place.  At 8:30 PM or so, we walked over to Jose's out in the neighborhood back there for some margarita, guacamole, and fine Mexican dining.

My roommate Eric just brought us Old Fashioneds.

A great evening.

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