
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

An efficient day.

After today's run, chronicled earlier, I got myself in to work by a round 9:00 am. The day proceeded along with a great deal of requirements definition, task breakdowns, and a lovely diagram of the request flow for the new application. Not bad. I left the office around 5:45 pm or so, right as it started lightly raining. Kinda annoying, as I was on my bike.

When I got home, Allie was waiting, so we went upstairs for a few, I grabbed a bite to eat quickly and gathered my stuff up, and we headed off to Jason and Kat's to carpool with Kat to Flamingham.

Practice tonight was pretty good! We played our usual songs, as well as this Clash tune. They didn't sound half bad. I need to figure out some different voicings for Ob-la-de Ob-la-da, cause what I am doing sounds like crap. Mostly cowboy chords.

Anyway, we left around 9:00 pm or so, Allie and I in my car, Kat hitching a ride home with Jason.

On our way back into Cambridge, Allie and I hit up Shaws for our respective vegetarian supplies. It was kinda funny how similar our grocery lists were.

After that, I came home, put my stuff away, listened to President Obama rap about the Gulf Oil spill, and now it's sleepy time.


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