
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Has either got two glass eyes or he's wearing the patch on the wrong s-s-s-side.

Yeah, yesterday.  Wednesday.

As noted, we went for a nice run in the morning.  I ended up getting myself into work by around 9:00 AM, which was awesome.  I spent most of the day coming up with a way for us to make it easier for developers to create new widgets/layouts/brands.  I think it'll be pretty cool.  It's always been a process fraught with errors, as it requires a great many very manual edits and copies.  With any luck, this will mitigate some of that error-proneness and help us automate the process a bit.  Good times.

After work, I took the short way home and gathered up myself, an iPad, some staff paper, two guitars, an amp, a capo, and a guitar stand and shuffled my way over to Jason and Kat's, where we subsequently went out to Framingham to Mark's.

Practice was good - we had a few awesome impromptu jams, one of which was pretty bluesy.  Also practiced a few of our classics.  Ob-la-de, Ob-la-da's guitar business still eludes me.  It's very weird - no matter what I do, it somehow sounds like shit.  I'm not out of tune.  I'm sure I'm playing the right chord.  It just... doesn't work, somehow.  I think I need to be playing an acoustic for that song - the electric just doesn't work.  It requires more chunka than Mr. Les Paul can provide.

Oh, and my stupid, $10 capo from Target died and wouldn't hold down the strings.  That's what I get for buying cheap.  Sigh.

We stayed pretty late last night - I think cause everyone was enjoying themselves.  Jason sounds awesome on his new drums.  I was pleasantly, delightedly, and excitedly surprised.  Good job, dude!  You rock.  I practically thought there was a drum machine in the room or something.

Anyway, after practice, I headed home, unloaded my stuff, and more-or-less went right to bed.

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